Cleaning Company in Jordan
Supported Services

1- The establishment is based on the work of cleaning workshops for glass facades, using special levers for that.
2- The establishment polishes marble floors by using special materials and equipment for marble.
3- The establishment waxes the plastic floors (PVC) by using the removal and waxing materials for that.
4- The establishment polishes parquet floors by using special materials and equipment for parquet floors.
5- Providing special machines to carry out the process of polishing the floors (what ever type).
6- The establishment controls rodents and insects using its own pesticides and machines.
7- The establishment carries out the sterilization process from viruses and microbes using its own sterilization materials and machines.
8- The establishment is based on providing efficient and experienced buffet workers.
9- The establishment carries out foundational cleaning workshops after the construction process.

Cleaning Company in Jordan

best cleaning company in jordan