
We thank you for your interest in inviting us to visit the site and see all the facilities to send another offer including a price to clean this large and great place.
The study of the financial offer depends on the following bases:
1. Visit the site and see all the facilities included.
2. Quality of flooring and furniture and ways to take care of it.
3. Cleaning equipment, materials and tools needed to complete the work.
4. Manpower necessary to complete the work and work style.

Based on the above, we are pleased to receive your invitation to visit your site at the following phones:
(06/5821994) & (077/5821994)
So that we can provide a brief analysis of the prices and the principles on which it was built, within two days after the date of the field visit that has been arranged.

Cleaning Company in Jordan

Cleaning Company in Jordan

best cleaning company in jordan
